How Does It Work?

Upload, QC Check, Delivery, Promotion, Reporting

How does it work:

Uploading: You can quickly and easily upload music files by FTP or web site up-loader and a few minutes for create the album. 24/7 access to web site allows to continue create album at any time.

Quality Control: Before the album hits the store, our team check the quality of album to meet our standards (quality of the artwork, titles, spelling, etc.), you are automatically notified if the album does not meet our standards, indicating the reason.

Delivery to Shops: Full integration with stores for quick and reliable delivery of albums, eliminating any errors.

Promotion: We can help promote your albums at our partner shops. Promotion campaigns activities can be planned in cooperation with the label manager and the rights holder. Respective arguments for promotional activities around products and releases help to get features and visible placements on the stores.

Reporting of Payment: Financial reports are generated automatically within 30 days after each quarter, in the currency depending of your country. Payment shall be made in various ways: Bank Transfer, Transfer to the card VISA / MC, PayPal.
